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Aftermath of Chemical Peeling: What to Expect & How to Deal

A woman receives a chemical peeling procedure from a skin expert in a skin care center.

Have you ever been in a phase where it was challenging to find a remedy to improve the appearance and feel of your skin? Chemical peeling is the right choice for you. Professional chemical peels safely exfoliate damaged skin while improving your skin's overall health. Chemical peels can improve wrinkles and fade away scars in a short time frame. If you're considering chemical peeling in Tirunelveli or in any other best place in India, you should know that there is some aftercare involved for optimal results and that there will be some short-term adverse effects. Here's what to expect from a chemical peel and how to take care of your glowing skin after the rejuvenation procedure.

Learn What to Expect From Chemical Peeling

Many patients are nervous about undergoing a chemical peel as they've heard stories about negative experiences from friends and family. Chemical peels can be very effective when performed by a trained medical practitioner. Following your first chemical peel, you can anticipate the things mentioned below.

Short-term and mild side effects may happen

A female patient with acne scar marks and a dull face before a chemical peeling.

There's a widespread myth claiming chemical peels have serious adverse effects. Chemical peels generally have moderate side effects; healing takes about two weeks. However, it might vary depending on the skin type.

Skin starts to peel

Applying the chemical causes the top layer of skin to peel off. The process of peeling resembles how sunburned skin peels off. The peeling process typically takes between three and five days. When washing your face, gently remove the flakes, but don't tug or pick at the peeling skin since doing so might irritate the skin and raise the risk of infection.

An Overview of What Patients Should Do Post Chemical Peeling

Although most people experience only minor side effects after chemical peels, you should monitor your skin closely during the healing process and contact your dermatologist immediately if you have any concerns. Chemical peels can have rare but severe side effects, so patients should check with a cosmetic dermatologist after their procedure. This is a chance to assess the course of treatment and make any necessary adjustments in the treatment protocol.

Makeup should be avoided for the first two to three weeks. Cosmetics contain chemicals that can cause allergic reactions and delay the healing process. After getting a chemical peel, wearing sunscreen is even more important than usual. Sunburns and other UVA/B-related skin damage are more likely to occur. After your chemical peeling treatment, you should stay out of the sun for at least 30 minutes and use a broad-spectrum sunblock with an SPF of at least 30.

You shouldn't apply chemical sunscreens to your skin after getting a chemical peel. If you have ever had a bad reaction to any of the components in chemical sunscreens, switching to a physical sunblock is your best choice. You may also be advised to wear a hat, scarf, or other sun protection following a chemical peel to keep the treated area out of direct sunlight.

More Information on What to do Before, During, and After Chemical Peeling

There are some things that you should take into consideration and follow for better results. They are:

A young woman is undergoing a facial chemical peel treatment.

Multiple peels have a better effect

When patients receive numerous chemical peels over a period of several months, they will see remarkable improvements in the quality of their skin. Many believe a single chemical peel will be sufficient to bring about the desired changes. But in most cases, patients need multiple therapy sessions before seeing improvement.

Do not get exposed to high temperatures & physical activity

Keep your skin cold to reduce the risk of adverse effects like tingling, redness, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. That includes cutting out outside activities, physical workouts, and taking cool showers and baths. After the initial two weeks, you should be able to resume your normal activities.

Have the patience to see results

The chemical peeling procedure needs time to address abnormalities and damage to the skin. Therefore, it takes a long time to show visible results.

Stay hydrated

Take enough water and use a facial moisturizer. To ensure your skin is well-hydrated from within, you should also consume plenty of water. A heavy moisturizer should be used twice daily following a chemical peel, beginning 24 hours after the procedure.

Also Read:Guide to Vitiligo Treatment: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Follow skincare as directed by the dermatologist

Allowing your face to heal naturally after a chemical peel is vital, as this is what makes the treatment so effective. We advise patients on how to best care for their skin following treatment, including what products to use for washing, hydrating, stimulating cell turnover, and protecting skin from sun damage, based on their skin types.

The bottomline

Your investment of time and dedication to regular treatment and at-home maintenance will determine the success of your chemical peel treatment plan. Get in touch with the best dermatologist who offers good skin and hair treatment in Tirunelveli if you want flawless results from chemical peeling.


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opp. to TVS,
 Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, 
Tamil Nadu - 627003
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11 AM - 8 PM
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12 PM - 8 PM

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AKJ Skin & Laser Center,
Kilpauk, Chennai.
10-B, Trivandrum Road,
opp. to TVS,
Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli,
Tamil Nadu 627002
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